How To Create a Higher Converting Sales Page
Probably the most common and most straightforward way of creating a Higher Converting Sales Page is to look at how others are doing it and copy their format, their layout. ProfitMozo Review There are so many sales pages out there that are complete BS. My hope is that with the FTC changes, the faceless people behind many of these Sales Pages may have to start being accountable and that means being honest with truthful testimonials. I wrote this post for other marketers or at least for the down-to-earth ones who can easily look themselves in the mirror each morning and be proud of the service they are providing to their customers. Hype, Hype and more Hype Sales Pages The first thing I do when confronted with one of these sales pages that promises the moon is add it to my 'never to visit again' list. I know most of my friends and colleagues do the same. To create a higher converting sales page means putting yourself out there and being accountable and I ask...